EnviroShield Conover NC
Utilize EnviroShield for a quality, lasting solution to moisture problems.
Moisture in basements and crawlspaces in the Conover, North Carolina area is a relatively common issue. With plentiful rainfall and high humidity in the area, it is not uncommon to have moisture buildup, puddling and even mold growth in subterranean spaces. While it might be common, that does not mean that any mold growth or problems with moisture are safe or helpful to your home. Here at Basement Technologies of Western NC, we help homeowners with moisture problems of all sorts, utilizing the best practices and products in our line of work, including EnviroShield.
EnviroShield is a unique product that offers permanent (yes, permanent!) solutions to preventing the growth of mold in a crawlspace or basement. Because this product allows for moisture to be transferred from one space to another in a controlled, calculated fashion, the anti-microbial elements of this material remain intact and not diluted or lessened. Unlike similar products, EnviroShield is able to offer lasting protection.
Working with our team is a sure way to ensure that your basement or crawlspace will be safe from water and moisture issues. We provide a detailed analysis of each and every space, always offering the best solutions to your issues, depending upon your unique issues. We want to provide our clients with solutions that last, and EnviroShield is one of those solutions.
If you have questions about EnviroShield application or any of our other services, we would be delighted to assist you. For more information about our services, please contact us today.